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While the USPSTF
is the best source of a summary of the evidence relating to the most
common important health interventions, they are far less competent at
marshaling the evidence to make a sound recommendation. They sometimes
miss the forest for the trees. I have recently discussed at length the major problem with their recently updated guideline of counseling for physical activity. Well, they have done it again--this time regarding counseling for improved nutritional behaviors in primary care.
To make really clear the folly of their position on these two important
issues I will contract these new guidelines with their recent guideline
on counseling for behavioral changes to prevent skin cancer.
BEHAVIORAL COUNSELING TO PREVENT SKIN CANCER: The USPSTF is concerned because more than 2 million cases of skin cancer
are diagnosed annually in the United States. Most of these (two-thirds)
are basal cell skin cancer, which is not associated with significant
mortality. Basal cell carcinoma accounts for less than 0.1% of patient deaths due to cancer. The USPSTF expresses specific concern about the rising incidence of melanoma without acknowledging that most of this is due to overdiagnosis [See Dr. Gil Welch, "Overdiagnosed",
previously reviewed here this year: Chapter 5.] Increased screening and
biopsy has led to an increase in diagnosed cases, but there has, as
yet, been no accompanying reduction in mortality, which overall suggest
much ado about nothing. The patient behaviors that are the focus of this
guideline are the use of sunscreen and avoidance of indoor tanning.
counseling in primary care varies in frequency and content, despite
data suggesting that these behaviors need to be improved." (This is
based on the observation than not many people consistently engage in
such behaviors, not on any evidence that such behaviors actually work.)
Against this would be the observation that "most
existing studies did not suggest a strong association between total or
chronic sun exposure and squamous cell carcinoma or basal cell carcinoma."
So how is counseling to avoid sun exposure expected to do any good? As
to the existing evidence of the effectiveness of counseling to avoid sun
exposure, the USPSTF notes: "Evidence
in adults and parents of newborns suggests that behavioral
interventions can minimally increase composite scores measuring sunprotective behaviors. It is unclear, however, whether the small differences in composite scores of self-reported sunprotective behaviors translate into clinically meaningful behavior change to prevent skin cancer or sunburns." This last statement would seem to indicate that as yet no routine counseling for sunprotective behaviors is as yet ready for prime time.
Nonetheless the USPSTF
recommends counseling children, adolescents, and young adults aged 10
to 24 years who have fair skin about minimizing their exposure to
ultraviolet radiation to reduce risk for skin cancer. They do not recommend such counseling for those older than 24 years (insufficient evidence).
Thus in this recommendation statement the USPSTF
seems willing to suggest that all physicians treating persons aged 0-24
years should modify their practices to include counseling in order to
avoid a small risk with an intervention that has small evidence of a
small effect. They find no evidence of harms from the recommended
intervention, not even "the lost opportunity to provide other services
that have a greater health effect."
the subject of counseling interventions to promote a healthful diet and
physical activity for cardiovascular prevention (an admittedly far more
important health priority), the USPSTF is not so tolerant of an incomplete database even though 49.7% of US adults older than 20 years have at least one of the following CVD risk factors: uncontrolled hypertension, uncontrolled elevated LDL cholesterol levels, or current smoking. "Although the correlation among healthful diet, physical activity, and the incidence of CVD is strong,
existing evidence indicates that the health benefit of initiating
behavioral counseling in the primary care setting to promote a healthful
diet and physical activity is small." Do they mean smaller than the benefit of recommending sunprotective behaviors? "All persons, regardless of risk status for CVD, can benefit from improved nutrition, healthy eating behaviors, and increased physical activity," but they are not going to recommend any interventions to promote such behaviors. It is certainly non-intuitive that the USPSTF
believes that spending our time to try to reduce the limited risk of
skin cancers is worthwhile, but routine counseling to prevent heart
disease is not.
The USPSTF acknowledges that "in adult patients without known hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, or CVD,
there is adequate evidence that the benefits of medium- to
high-intensity behavioral counseling interventions to improve diet and
increase physical activity are small to moderate...The USPSTF
concludes with moderate certainty that medium- or high-intensity
behavioral counseling interventions in the primary care setting to
promote a healthful diet and physical activity have a small net benefit
in adult patients without CVD, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, or diabetes." The intensity of the intervention was categorized by total patient contact time as low (1 to 30 minutes), medium (31 to 360 minutes), or high (>
360 minutes). For some reason they did not analyze their recommendation
to counsel persons aged 0 to 24 by the required intensity of
intervention required to have an effect.
The USPSTF does recommend intensive behavioral dietary counseling for adult patients with hyperlipidemia
and other known risk factors for cardiovascular and diet-related
chronic disease. In order to address patient risk factor status, they
implicitly recommend routine screening or assessment for cardiovascular
risk using such risk calculators as the Framingham-based Adult Treatment Panel III calculator (available at http://hp2010.nhlbihin.net/atpiii/calculator.asp) along with routine lipid screening and screening for obesity. An important point that the USPSTF
appears to miss completely is that these latter activities require
time. For the first 15 years of my practice I was ardent in performing
routine cardiac risk assessment. I found it time consuming even without
an intervention. I finally made the decision, based purely on efficiency concerns,
skip the risk assessment component and to proceed directly to routine
universal counseling for nutrition, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle
for all patients, aged 4 to 100 years. This latter approach requires no
more time than routine cardiac risk assessment yet includes the relevant
declares that their lack of enthusiasm for nutrition, exercise, or
lifestyle counseling is based not on the merits of the health benefits of physical activity, but on lack of clear evidence of the effectiveness of the counseling.
aspect of their recommendation reveals a major flaw in their analysis.
They pay no attention to the now abundance evidence of the effectiveness
of brief motivational interviewing. The evidence of the effectiveness
as well as the details on the "how to" are well summarized in Rollnick. [http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Motivational-Interviewing-in-Health-Care-Stephen-Rollnick/e/9781593856120?r=1&cm_mmc=GooglePLA-_-Textbook-_-Q000000633-_-9781593856120&cm_mmca2=pla]
A handy 34 page guide to the technique is available free at http://www.psychmap.org/uploads/Motivational%20Interviewing%20brief%20guide.pdf.
a brief motivational interviewing is a relatively new technology [for
which the majority of practicing physicians received no training at all]
the evidence of effectiveness or just a 2-3 minute intervention on a
repeated basis is compelling. It is currently that standard of care for
changing behavior in health settings. The USPSTF needs to perform an
evidence-review and recommendation of this technique and then reconsider
their complete dismissal of low intensity interventions for diet and
exercise counseling. Moreover, they need to explicitly consider that
fact that regularly repeated brief motivational interviewing
cumulatively constitutes a high-intensity counseling intervention.
One final USPSTF
point against routine counseling for diet and exercise derives from a
potential harm of such counseling--"Harms may include the lost
opportunity to provide other services that have greater health effect."
This is a criterion that was not applied to their endorsement of
counseling to promote sunprotective behavior between ages 0 and 24 years. Do they really believe that counseling for sunprotective
behaviors has a greater effect than counseling for diet, exercise, or
lifestyle? Once again I would like to remind readers of the benefits of a
5-element healthy lifestyle (based on 16 observational studies):

COMMENT: How on earth does the USPSTF
reach the conclusion that these health benefits are not compelling or
that appropriately performed brief motivational interviewing is not
effective in leading to the related behavior changes? In part this is
because they have broken down their analysis by
individual components rather than by a simple global definition of a
health lifestyle. This is important because such healthy behaviors have
dramatic synergistic effects. The approach taken by the USPSTF
suffers from a failure to prioritize recommendations based on the
magnitude of health benefits and from the failure, where the
evidence-base is still limited, to make recommendations based on
relevant but lower quality studies such as the 16 observational studies that support the list of benefits above. To some extent Pascal's wager should apply to medicine. I would phrase it this way. If
there is any possibility that the above benefits are real, then
physicians should routinely recommend the 5 lifestyle behaviors to
everyone just because the harms are nil.
while we should do no routine counseling for diet, exercise, or a
healthy lifestyle, we should routinely screen adults for obesity. "The USPSTF recommends screening all adults for obesity. Clinicians should offer or refer patients with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 kg/m2 or higher to intensive, multicomponent behavioral interventions...The USPSTF
concludes with moderate certainty that screening for obesity in adults
has a moderate net benefit." This recommendation is ultimately based
primarily on the fact that "intensive, multicomponent behavioral
interventions for obese adults can lead to an average weight loss of 4
to 7 kg...[and] also improve glucose tolerance and other physiologic
risk factors for cardiovascular disease."
does not explain why it believes it is more important to screen for
obesity than to prevent it (i.e., with diet, exercise, and lifestyle
interventions). We
have no data on the efficacy of obesity prevention because it has never
been tried. One of the reasons that it has never been tried is that
expert organizations like the USPSTF don't recommend it. They say they
don't recommend it because there is insufficient evidence, and this
leaves us in a 'Catch 22' situation.
Nor has it adequately answered the compelling critique of its last obesity recommendation in 2004. At that time an editor for Journal Watch commented: "Despite good evidence these recommendations will be difficult to implement. First BMI
calculation requires measurement of height, which is not obtained
routinely in adults. Second, and more important, medication and surgery
are effective, but their use is limited to the severely obese, and
surgery is not without risk. In addition, pharmacologic therapies should
be given in the context of counseling; however high-intensity
counseling (for which there is the best evidence) generally is available
only by referral, is of limited availability, and requires substantial
patient commitment."(4)
Finally, we're missing the point that the obese know who they are. In a practice-based study in 1998 among 755 consecutive patients of a single practice, all obese patients (BMI > 30) were aware that they were overweight. Physician estimate of BMI (without actual measurement) turned out to be reasonably sensitive (70%), specific (99%), and predictive of measured BMI (93% PPV).(5) Why
would physicians need to spend their time screening for a condition
that is obvious and certainly known to patients? The futility of
screening is highlighted by the fact that there are no proven treatments for obesity in the primary care setting. Either high-intensity counseling outside of the physician's office or a referral for a surgical-based approach are required.
COMMENT: The USPSTF has missed the boat. Somehow their principles or internal guidelines don't allow them to
probe beyond the highest quality studies or to base their guidelines on
heuristic principles. The fact that they endorse counseling for sunprotective
behaviors and screening for obesity over what they know to be the sound
principle of leading a healthy lifestyle is deeply disturbing. Everyone
makes a mistake sometime. That is ordinary, and human, and very
forgivable. But to make the same mistake year after year. That's not.
That's extraordinary.
SCREENING FOR ALCOHOL MISUSE: THE NEW USPSTF RECOMMENDATION: The Task Force has been very busy. In this updated recommendation they confirm their previous 2004 recommendation: "The USPSTF
recommends that clinicians screen adults, including young adults and
pregnant women, for alcohol misuse and provide persons engaged in risky
or hazardous drinking with brief behavioral counseling interventions to
reduce alcohol misuse." In the related systematic review in Annals of Internal Medicine the Task Force summarizes the evidence for this recommendation as follows:
"The 23 included trials generally excluded persons with alcohol dependence. The best evidence was for brief (10- to 15-minute) multicontact interventions. ['Very brief single contact (e.g., < 5 minutes) has limited impact.'] Among adults receiving behavioral interventions, consumption decreased by 3.6 drinks per week from baseline; 12% fewer
adults reported heavy drinking episodes; and 11% more adults reported
drinking less than the recommended limits. Evidence was insufficient to
draw conclusions about accidents, injuries, or alcohol-related liver
problems. Trials enrolling young adults or college students showed
reduced consumptions and fewer heavy drinking episodes."
While we can all agree that moderate alcohol use is important to a
healthy lifestyle, it is difficult to see why it is rated as more
important than nutrition [actually an alcohol intervention ought to be considered a component of a global nutritional intervention] or exercise counseling. The reason for the difference in recommendations appears to be that the USPSTF considers alcohol counseling to be worth a more intense intervention (brief multicontact
[each contact is 6-15 minutes) whereas it concludes that nutrition and
exercise counseling only merit brief intervention counseling, which is
ineffective according to their data, just as it is ineffective for
alcohol counseling. Why the USPSTF is now willing to endorse 'brief multicontact interventions of 6-15 minutes for nutrition
and exercise counseling is a mystery. Furthermore, the results cited in
their evidence summary for the alcohol intervention involves only
intermediate outcomes (i.e., the amount of alcohol consumed); the
evidence is not adequate to demonstrate improved outcomes that
matter--reduced accidents, lost time from work, less cirrhosis, etc. Certainly the poster above for lifestyle counseling shows far more significant improvements in outcomes that matter (incidence of major chronic diseases, cancer, and overall mortality).
The USPSTF appears to have some kind of bias against nutrition and exercise counseling that is not explained by the evidence. Go figure.
1. Sunscreen is expensive: These
investigators performed a cost analysis study of sunscreen needs in two
scenarios: a family of four on a 1-week beach vacation (4 hours/day in
the sun), females in bikinis, males in swim trunks, reapplying sunscreen
twice for adults and 3 times for children, and no other sun-protective
measures taken), and a transplant patients using sunscreen year round.
They also evaluated costs of 607 sunscreens from 17 Internet drugstores
in 7 countries. Median sunscreen price was $1.70 per 10 g. Assuming that
standard sunscreen application recommendations (2 mg/cm2) were
followed, the median cost to the family varied from 4178.20 per week (if
children were 2-year olds) to $238.40 per week (if children were 10-year-olds).
The cost decreased by 33% if the family wore UV-protective T-shirts and
by 41% if large-volume bottles were used--both strategies combined
reduced the costs by 58%. The median cost to a transplant patients
vai3ed from $245 to 292 per year.(6)
2. Lifestyle changes could prevent 50% of common cancers: A research presenting at the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC)
World Cancer Congress 2012 states: "More than 50% of cancer could be
prevented if people simply implemented what is already known about
cancer prevention." Most of this derives from lifestyle interventions.
While the 'biggest buy' from lifestyle intervention
is smoking cessation. It is also estimated that being overweight or
obese causes approximately 20% of cancer. If people could maintain a
healthy body mass index, the incidence of cancer could be reduced by
approximately 50% in 2 to 20 years. (A healthy BMI for cancer prevention
is from 21 to 23 kg/m2. Poor diet and lack of exercise are each
associated with about 5% of all cancers. Improvement in diet could
reduce cancer incidence by 50% and increases in physical activity could
reduce cancer incidence by as much as 85% in 5 to 20 years.(7) COMMENT: Nonetheless the USPSTF
remains far more interested in expensive and inconvenient screening
strategies like mammography, occult blood stool testing, and colonoscopy
to reduce breast cancer and colon cancer, respectively, by a mere 15%.
The evidence is good, the impact and cost:benefit ratios, however, are
3. An alternative approach to obesity--prevention: The Institute of Medicine (supported by he Robert Wood Johnson Foundation) has issued a report on the prevention of obesity.(8) "Obesity
has become so pervasive and severe that it 'constitutes a startling
setback to major improvements achieved in other areas of health during
the past century.'...What the country needs now is a set of obesity
prevention action that, both individually and together, can accelerate
meaningful change on a societal level." The Committee's recommendations
include aggressive promotion of physical activity [Take note, USPSTF!], creation of environments conducive to healthy eating, and expanding the role of health care
providers, employers, and schools in obesity prevention. The report
identified 5 critical areas, or 'environments,' from which to attack the
problem: physical activity, food and beverage, message (or marketing), health care and work, and schools. The 5 major goals for these environments are:
- To make physical activity an integral and routine part of daily life.
- To create food and beverage 'environments' that ensure that healthy options are routine and easy choices.
- To transform messages about physical activity and nutrition.
- To expand the role of health care providers, insurers, and employers in obesity prevention.
- To make schools a national focal point for the prevention of obesity.
Specifically, with respect to health care providers, they recommend:
- Health care
providers' standards of practice should include routine body mass index
screening, counseling, and behavioral interventions for children,
adolescents, and adults to improve physical activity behaviors and
dietary choices.
- Medical, nursing, and physician assistants schools, and other relevant health care
professional training programs and continuing education should include
instruction in prevention, screening, diagnosis, and treatment of
overweight and obesity in children, adolescents, and adults.
- Health care providers should serve as role models for their patients.
parts per million of atmospheric carbon compatible with a familiar, sustainable planet Earth
2. Moyer
VA. Behavioral counseling interventions to promote a healthful diet and
physical activity for cardiovascular disease prevention in adults: US
Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement. Ann Intern Med
2012; 157: 367-72.
3. Moyer
VA. Screening for and management of obesity in adults: US Preventive
Services Task Force Recommendation Statement. Ann Intern Med 2012; 157:
4. Journal Watch 2004; 24 No 2: 18; cited in Action Advisor for Primary Care 2004; Vol 6 No 1: 3.
5. Little P. GP documentation of obesity: What does it achieve? Br J Gen Pract 1998; 48: 890-4; abstracted in The Family Practice Newsletter 1998; Vol 13 No 6: 24.
6. Mahe E et al. Are sunscreens luxury products? J Am Acad Dermatol 2011 Jul 11; [e-pub ahead of print]; http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jaad.2010.06.043; abstracted in Journal Watch 2011.
7. Harrison P. Lifestyle changes could prevent 50%
of common cancers. September 5, 2012 (Montreal, Quebec). Union of
International Cancer Control (UICC) World Cancer Congress 2012.
Presented August 29, 2012; reported in Medscape Medical News 2012: http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/770357